As the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God falls on Saturday this year, there will be a Vigil Mass at 4:00 PM Friday, December 31 at Most Precious Blood and a Holy Day Mass at Saint Theresa Parish at 10:00 AM Saturday, January 1. The normal Saturday evening and Sunday morning Mass schedule will be in effect for Sunday, January 2, The Epiphany of the Lord. Additionally, the 5:30 PM Sunday Mass resumes on January 2, now taking place at Most Precious Blood Church.
In preparation for Christmas, our collaborative will hold two evenings of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Reconciliation. On Wednesday, December 15 at Saint Theresa Parish and Thursday, December 16 at Most Precious Blood, Adoration will be held from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. During this time there will also be the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Both of our parishes are once again collecting donations for those in need this holiday season. Due to Covid restrictions and limited staffs, all the charities have requested that donations be in the form of gift cards this year. Please click on the photo for details.
Please plan to join us after morning Mass on Sunday, December 12 for a Christmas Sing-along! Father Blaney will play the piano and lead the singing at each parish immediately following Mass. We also invite you to bring the Christ Child figurine from your home nativity to be blessed during the sing-along in observance of Bambinelli Sunday.
We invite all adults of our collaborative parishes to celebrate the season at a Christmas Cocktail Party from 5 – 7 PM, Saturday, December 11 at Most Precious Blood. As this is a catered event, we ask that you RSVP to Anne Mangini at 508-785-0305 or, by December 6 so that we can have an accurate count.