At Saint Theresa Parish, we utilize a yearly pledge-based offertory system known as the Parish Support Program (PSP). The PSP is the main source of income for the parish. It provides the funds needed for the ordinary running and upkeep of the physical church, staff salaries, supplies, and all of our ministries and outreach. Over the years, this method has proven to be convenient for our parishioners and helpful for the parish by enabling us to plan and budget accurately. If you would like to enroll in the PSP, please contact the parish office at 508-653-6253.
In-person contributions may be placed in the offertory box at the back of the church or through the mail slot at the entrance to the parish offices. Donations may also be mailed to the parish at the address shown below or made online through the WeShare. Please see the "Online Giving" page to the left.
If you are not enrolled in the Parish Support Program, you may make donations at any time through any of the methods outlined above.